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  • Strong sense of what employers need & value

  • How to communicate effectively with employers & your future team members

  • Skills specific to your work field and how to apply your skills successfully

Maria's Success Story at MavinHub

Where was Maria in her career?

Maria was a sales associate. That job got her by for most of her life, but she wasn't completely satisfied with her pay & work-life balance. After she graduated from her Marketing program, she knew that it was time for a change.

Training & preparation for her new career path

Maria felt as if she wasn't ready for that career choice. She felt deep anxiety and knew she lacked the experience other candidates have over her.

Maria searched online and found She booked a $2 onboarding call and told her situation to her coach.

Where is Maria now?

Maria and her coach went through job descriptions for her career choice. Her experienced coach trained Maria on how to represent herself to her employers and how to be a valuable asset to the company.

Maria has worked as a Digital Marketing Specialist for the past 4 years and is continuing to see her coach in order to continue growing her professional career.

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